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Free Will

Introduction of a Wikipedia article. Complete article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will
Fr will raises the ques whether, and in wh sense, rational agents exercise con over their actions, decisions, choices. Addr this question requir understanding the relationship betwe freedom and cause, and determining whether the laws of nature are causally deterministic. The various philosophical positions ta differ on whether all events are deter or not — determinism vers indeterminism — and also on whether fr can coexist wi determinism or not — compatibilism versus incompatibilism. So, for instance, 'hard determinists' are incompatibilists who argue that the universe is deterministic, and that this makes fr will impossible. Libertarians are al incompatibilists. Th believe that fr will exists and strict causal determinism is false. Their problem is to reconc free will with chan or indeterminism, which threat to make ac random. The principle of free will has religious, ethical, and scientific implications. For example, in the religious realm, free wi implies th an omnipotent divinity do not assert its power over individual will and choices. In ethics, it implies that individuals can be held morally acc for the actions. The question of free will has be a cent issue si the beginning of philosop thought.