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Free Will

Introduction of a Wikipedia article. Complete article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will
Free wi raises the question whether, and in what sense, rational agents exercise control ov their actions, decisions, choices. Address this question requires understanding the rel betw freedom and cause, and determining whether the laws of nature are caus deterministic. The vari philosophical positions tak differ on whe all even are determined or not — de versus inde — and al on whether freedom can coexist with determinism or not — compatibilism versus incompatibilism. So, for instance, 'hard determinists' are inco who arg th the un is deterministic, and that th makes free will impossible. Libertarians are also incompatibilists. They believe that free will exists and strict causal determinism is false. Their problem is to reconcile fr will with chance or indeterminism, whi threatens to make actio random. The principle of free will has religious, ethical, and scienti implications. For example, in the religious realm, free will implies that an omnip di does not assert its power ov individual wi and choices. In ethics, it implies that individuals can be he mo acco for their actions. The que of free will has been a central is since the beginning of philosophical thought.